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The National Bureau of Economic ResearchVOXMacroeconomics and the financial cycle_ Hamlet without the Prince_ _ vox

Will the dollar lose its throne_ Economic fundamentals vs network effects _ voxHave we solved too big to fail_ _ vox

The world economy_ Cliffs avoided, mountains ahead _ voxThe appreciating renminbi _ voxExcessive risk-taking by banks_ A new eReport _ vox

Monetary alchemy, fiscal science _ voxThe multilateral approach to capital controls _ voxSystemic risks in global banking_ What available data can tell us and what more data are needed_ _ vox

Value-added exchange rates _ voxUnderstanding bubbly episodes _ voxInternational finance _ voxPhilip Lane _ vox

The macroeconomics debate_ A guided tour _ voxA Financial Perspective on Exchange Rates _ voxManaging credit booms and busts _ vox

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IDEAS牛人Barry Eichengreen at IDEASLawrence H. Summers at IDEASPatrick Kehoe at IDEASRicardo J. Caballero at IDEAS

Olivier Blanchard at IDEASMichael David Bordo at IDEASKenneth S Rogoff at IDEASRajan at IDEASRandall Wright at IDEAS

Timothy J. Kehoe at IDEASMichael Woodford at IDEASMark L. Gertler at IDEASBen S. Bernanke at IDEASJohn B. Taylor at IDEAS

Guillermo A. Calvo at IDEASCharles Engel at IDEASHarald Uhlig at IDEASFranklin Allen at IDEASCarmen M. Reinhart at IDEAS

Martín Uribe at IDEASDavid Backus at IDEASMendoza at IDEASRobert E. Lucas at IDEASAndrew Metrick at IDEAS

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Emmanuel Farhi at IDEASJianjun Miao at IDEASJohn Moore at IDEASMartin Uribe ResearchOther interesting servers-无所不包

经济学牛人主页Martin Uribe--matlabJohn MooreInternational Macroeconomics _CoeurdacierZhiguo He - Assistant Professor of Finance

Pengfei Wang(课件很好)Nobuhiro KiyotakiBruce E. HansenHyun song ShinEconomists - Tobias AdrianWei Xiong Research Page

Stephen Morris Home PageArvind KrishnamurthyAcharya,Viral V.Markus BrunnermeierPhilip R. Lanes Webpage

Hyun Song Shin - Google Scholar CitationsStephen Morris - Google Scholar CitationsTobias Adrian - Google Scholar Citations

Martin Eichenbaum - Google Scholar CitationsWei Xiong - Google Scholar CitationsArvind Krishnamurthy - Google Scholar Citations

Viral Acharya - Google Scholar CitationsMarkus Brunnermeier - Google Scholar CitationsPhilip Lane - Google Scholar Citations

Graciela Laura Kaminsky - Google Scholar CitationsGuillermo Calvo - Google Scholar CitationsCarlos Vegh - Google Scholar Citations

Alan M. Taylor - Google Scholar CitationsMartin Uribe - Google Scholar CitationsRamkishen Rajan - Google Scholar Citations

Gary Gorton - Google Scholar CitationsHarald Uhlig - Google Scholar CitationsEnrique G. Mendoza - Google Scholar Citations

Robert J. Barro - Google Scholar Citationslawrence summers - Google Scholar CitationsKenneth Rogoff - Google Scholar Citations

Mark Gertler - Google Scholar CitationsCarmen M Reinhart - Google Scholar CitationsSergio Rebelo - Google Scholar Citations

Lucio Sarno - Google Scholar CitationsPhilippe Bacchetta - Google Scholar CitationsRobert C. Feenstra - Google Scholar Citations

Lawrence Christiano - Google Scholar CitationsNobuhiro Kiyotaki

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